
We started our adventure in the big city…Kansa City. We dabbled in urban homesteading with some ducks and chickens and small gardens. We even had a couple goats that ate all of our fruit trees at one place. Last year we turned half our yard into a garden and enjoyed the results all this summer. While in the city we learned to can everything from jam to salsa to chicken.

It was all a warm-up for our new adventure on 25 acres in the middle of the Ozark National Forest in Arkansas. 

When we first saw this place there was so much junk everywhere that it was overwhelming but then we hiked further back and discovered numerous waterfalls and great gorgeous views and a perfect mixture of forest and pasture so now we are in the process of redeeming the land.

Join us on our adventure!

Paul, Angela, Isobel, and Caleb

(plus our daughter, Jessica and her fiancée, Fulton who are still in Kansas City but are part of the adventure when they can.)